Go to ‘Purchase’ module, Under ‘Purchase’ menu-> Select ‘Tentative Price List’ option & click on ‘Create’ button.
Enter ‘Name’ for Tentative Pricelist
Choose the Date range for Tentative price list validity.
Choose & Select the product and set their respective TPL amount in line item.
Click on ‘Save’ button.
Create Purchase Order(s) and choose the respective Tentative Price List [TPL].

Choose the respective product(s) in Purchase order.

When a respective product’s unit price in purchase order is greater than its TPL price per unit set in the selected Tentative Price List, the below Warning will be raised.

Also, when the Purchased amount for a product (with respect to all Purchase orders for respective product within the valid date range set in TPL) is greater than the Tentative Target amount, the below Warning will be raised.
Confirm the Purchase order(s) in order to update the Purchase amount in respective Tentative Price list.
Find the updated ‘Remaining TPL amount’ & ‘Purchased amount’ in Tentative price list.
This Module is used to create a Tentative Price List for Purchasable Product(s) while setting maximum Allowed Unit Price within a Date range. KEY FEATURES: Set Maximum Allowed Unit Price [TPL Amount] for respective Product(s) to be purchased in the tentative price list, The tentative price list will be valid & Visible only within the selected Date range, Multiple Purchase Orders with the same Tentative Price List [TPL] is Allowed, In case of Purchase(s) from multiple vendors, the TPL balance amount for respetive product(s) will be updated automatically in TPL, Provision in built to 'Edit' / 'Reset to Draft' for Manager User Group only, TPL amount is checked based on subtotal field in Line item (works with both, Tax Inclusive & Tax Exclusive).